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Corporate Sponsorship Benefits

Corporate sponsorship funds allow MSCA to offer quality services and a wide variety of benefits to help the retail real estate industry as a whole.

Sponsorship funds are critical for our continued growth and success as an association.
MSCA Corporate Sponsorship has one level of $2,700, which opens up in October each year.

Sponsorship Benefits:

·        One MSCA general membership (value of $450)

·        Social media feature on MSCA's LinkedIn and Facebook

·        FREE Website Banner Ad that rotates on the bottom bar of all pages on our website with link to your company’s website throughout  the year

·        Listing within PowerPoint at monthly programs (attendance estimated at 110), as well as one month your Company quote will be featured within PowerPoint

·        Name badges at monthly programs that show you are a corporate sponsor, General and all Affiliate Members

·        Listing on a pop-up banner that is at MSCA events

·       Recognition on the MSCA website under the Sponsors tab with color logo and direct link to your company website

·        Special recognition as a corporate sponsor in the MSCA membership PDF directory. Please note that in 2025, we will no longer print the directory. Instead, it willbe available as a pdf, accessible on the website at the top of the online member directory.

·        Receive a FREE half-page, black and white ad, or upgrade to a full page b/w or colored ad for a fee for our MSCA memberhips PDF directory (directory ad upgrades released on a first come, first served basis)

·        Industry focus and a quote about MSCA listed under the Sponsor tab in the MSCA membership PDF directory

·        Corporate plaque and year plate

·        Discount of 15% off of golf hole sponsorships

·        Recognition in the weekly MSCA Connection blast email

·        Special acknowledgement at Retail Report program and Year-End Ceremony/STARRSM Awards/Holiday Party